SolydEra produce celle stack e fuel cell module per diverse applicazioni. La tecnologia – progettata, realizzata e messa in funzione da team di esperti e ricercatori innovativi, specialisti ed ingegneri – è la base per soluzioni energetiche attuali e future.
I clienti utilizzano i nostri stack in modalità celle a combustibile per generare elettricità e calore o in modalità elettrolizzatore per produrre idrogeno. Gli stack sono reversibili.
Le soluzioni tecnologiche di SolydEra si sono dimostrate le più efficienti e flessibili.
SolydEra agevola la transizione energetica.
In SolydEra tutto parla di tecnologia ad ossidi solidi.

Solida Flessibilità
Il vantaggio chiave delle SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) è la capacità di convertire vari tipi di gas in energia elettrica e termica garantendo continuità ed affidabilità, specialmente in presenza di fonti rinnovabili discontinue.
Vista la necessità di decarbonizzare di essere più indipendenti dalle supply chain estere, emergono altri punti di forza della tecnologia di SolydEra: l’utilizzo per la produzione di idrogeno e per l’accumulo flessibile di energia tramite SOE (Solid Oxide Electrolysis).
Comunicato stampa
SolydEra and Mitochondria Energy Systems sign landmark Collaboration Agreement for the development and commercialization of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems in South Africa
PERGINE VALSUGANA, Italy and JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, December 18th, 2024 – SolydEra and Mitochondria announce the signing of a significant agreement for the development and supply of a state-of-the-art Solid Oxide Fuel Cell system to provide reliable, clean power for the distributed power market.
Comunicato stampa
SolydEra and Dynelectro Formalise Strategic Partnership for 1 MW Solid Oxide Electrolyser Delivery
PERGINE VALSUGANA, Italy and VIBY ZEALAND, Denmark, November 18th, 2024 – SolydEra and Dynelectro have
transitioned from a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to a formal collaboration agreement, marking the start of a
strategic partnership.
Comunicato stampa
SolydEra Achieved Major Breakthrough in Fuel Cell Technology for Data Centres
MEZZOLOMBARDO, Italy – July 24th 2024
SolydEra, Europe's largest manufacturer of solid oxide stacks and a global leader in Solid Oxide Solutions, announces another breakthrough in sustainable energy supply.
Comunicato stampa
Accelerating Electrolyzer Industrialization: SolydEra, Bosal, and VDL Forge
PERGINE VALSUGANA/ITALY, LUMMEN/BELGIUM and EINDHOVEN/THE NETHERLANDS, April 11th 2024 – In response to the growing global demand for electrolyzers, industry front-runners have come together to significantly enhance production capabilities and lower costs.
Comunicato stampa
SolydEra and HnPower: Celebrating five years of successful cooperation
Pergine Valsugana (Italy) und Daejon (South Korea) February 20th 2024 – As the world rediscovers Hydrogen to help boost decarbonization, a Korean and a European industry leader are already celebrating five years of successful cooperation in the field of Solid-Oxide fuel cells (SOFC). SolydEra has now been a supplier of fuel cell stacks to its Korean partner HnPower for five years.
Comunicato stampa
NAUTILUS and SolydEra achieve Milestone
Pergine Valsugana (Italy) February 19th 2024 – In a significant leap towards sustainable energy solutions, NAUTILUS and SolydEra proudly announce the successful installation of a groundbreaking 40 kW Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) system at the premises of one of the Finnish power companies in Tampere area.
Comunicato stampa
AC:DC rocks durability and performance of SOE green tech
Pergine Valsugana (Italy) and Viby Zealand (Denmark) January 9th 2024