Agricultural use of biogas digestate as a replacement fertilizers
Milan Koszel - a University of Life Sciences in Lublin
(in lingua inglese)
The investigation revealed that post-digestion liquid contains similar amounts of macroelements as bovine liquid manure. No heavy metals were found in digestate. An increase in the content of macroelements was observed in the leaves of the alfalfa fertilized with digestate in comparison with the alfalfa fertilized with mineral fertilizers. Consequently, post-fermentation residues from biogas plants can be used as a fertilizer. The only condition is the rational utilization of such residues. Further studies are necessary to confirm that digestate has an effect on plants’ yielding.

Fonte: Articolo Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 2015
Mercati: Agricoltura e Allevamenti, Aria e Gas
Parole chiave: Biogas
- CIB - Consorzio Italiano BioGas
- APRE - Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea
- CIB - Consorzio Italiano BioGas
- CIB - Consorzio Italiano BioGas