Geothermal heating and cooling
Miklos Antics - GPC IP
(in lingua inglese)
Demonstration of flexible RES power plants: Some renewables, including geothermal plants, usually run as base load, but new technology such as binary turbines allow them to be flexible in their production. More demonstration plants must be installed in different market contexts.
Research and Development of the next generation of RES technologies such as EGS: Breakthrough renewable technologies could be the future game changer for decarbonising the energy system. Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) is a technology already demonstrated but an Action Plan must be launched for increasing its contribution to the electricity mix.

Fonte: Set Plan Conference settembre 2015 Set Plan Conference
- RSE - Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico
- Ital Control Meters
- Antonio Panvini
- CATF Clean Air Task Force
- MASE - Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica