The energy system of the future: societal challenges and opportunities
Lezek Drogosz - City of Warsaw
in lingua inglese
• Electric energy and heat still predominantly produced from coal
• Small number of citizens producing energy from RES and in distributed co-generation
• Growing number of private cars (~600 per 1000 inhabitants) increases emissions from transport
• Polish legal provisions and assistance schemes on energy efficiency and RES were amended, but still need work to be more effective
• Despite thermal retrofits conducted since the 90s, still large potential of reducing heat consumption in Warsaw by thermal retrofits: housing sector - 2.09 TWh, service sector - 1.5 TWh, industry sector - 0.18 TWh, Warsaw overall - 3.77 TWh
• High energy consumption in municipal buildings
• Not fast enough progress of smart grid and smart metering solutions

Fonte: Set Plan Conference settembre 2015 Set Plan Conference
Settori: Contabilizzazione calore, Efficienza energetica industriale, Elettrotecnica, Rete elettrica, Smart City, Smart energy, Smart Grid, Strumentazione industriale
Mercati: Strumentazione industriale
- Luigi Maria Zammuto
- Paolo Cremoli
- ANIMA - Federazione delle Associazioni Nazionali dell'Industria Meccanica Varia ed Affine
- MASE - Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica