The potential role of biomethane in Italian transport
Giovanni Perrella - Ministero dello Sviluppo economico
(in lingua inglese)
Administrative data, i.e. data taken from contracts registered in the centralised injection and withdrawal contracts database will be used to assess the actual quantities of biomethane used in the transport sector:
1. Producing entity
2. Geographic coordinates & grid entry point
3. Gas transport contract with grid operator (nominated capacity, injection pressure, ecc.)
4. Biomethane Gas quality specifications (including calorific value)
5. Biomethane feedstock
6. Biomethane amount sold
7. Control on the biomethane-methane sold by each “CNG pump station” with the Fiscal Agency
Leggi tutto
Fonte: IEA Bioenergy ExCo77 workshop, 2016
Settori: Biocarburanti, Bioenergia, Biometano, Combustibili, Efficienza energetica industriale, GAS, Gas naturale, Metano, Rinnovabili
Mercati: Aria e Gas, Trasporti e Automotive
- GSE Gestore dei Servizi Energetici
- CIB - Consorzio Italiano BioGas
- GSE Gestore dei Servizi Energetici
- CIB - Consorzio Italiano BioGas