The use of contaminated soils for sustainable production of biomasses for energy
Carmine Colucci - Università di Napoli Federico II
(in lingua inglese)
- Biomass crops for Energy aren't sustainable and efficient;
- Biomass crops uses huge lands for energy production ;
- If the primary objective is to produce energy If the primary objective is to produce energy, wind turbines and photovoltaic panels are much more efficient;
-Biomasses for energy could have a sustainable perspective if we use crop and forest residues or if we cultivate them in soils not suitable for food crops (i.e. polluted soils)

Fonte: Tesi di Laurea, 2012
Settori: Bioenergia, Biomasse, Combustibili, Efficienza energetica industriale, Energia, Fotovoltaico, Inquinamento, Rinnovabili, Termotecnica industriale, Turbine
Mercati: Inquinamento