L'esperienza di Genera
Andra Garbuglia - Genera
(in lingua inglese)
The Biomass is organic material both vegetable and animal (wood, agricultural and forest waste, food industry wastes, weeds, city garbage etc…) that is used directly as fuel for the production of energy or transformed in Biogas, which also can be used as fuel. In the field of the Biomass, the company offers its self as EPC of plants of different sizes thanks also to the partnership with international companies.In coherence with its approach Genera, has personalized solutions so we are able to satisfy all our costumers needs.

Fonte: Quarta Conferenza Nazionale sull’efficienza energetica novembre 2012 Efficienza è ricchezza
Settori: Ambiente, Analisi, abbattimento e Controllo emissioni, Bioenergia, Biogas, Biomasse, Combustibili, Efficienza energetica industriale, GAS, Inquinamento, Rifiuti, Rinnovabili
- EBS - Associazione Energia da Biomasse Solide
- Kohlbach Energieanlagen
- Mercurio