Industrial efficiency in energy-intensive industry
Mukund Bhagwat - Aurubis Belgium
(in lingua inglese)
1 Aurubis is among one of the best performers in the Energy Intensive Industries, represented by IFIEC
2 Energy is a core-cost, innovation for energy saving is a must and not an option, to remain competitive
3 Result : Lower Specific Energy Intensity and Lower Specific Emission Intensity
4 Future improvements require higher investments and are not economical with current technologies.
5 Waste Heat Recovery and supply to district networks will be possible if the District Heat Networks infrastructure are upgraded by new investments.
6 Decarbonaisation and Energy efficiency must be put in perspective with materials extraction efficiency and circular economy

Fonte: Set Plan Conference settembre 2015 Set Plan Conference
Settori: Ambiente, Analisi, abbattimento e Controllo emissioni, Caldaie e Generatori industriali, Efficienza energetica industriale, Inquinamento, Rifiuti, Termotecnica industriale
Mercati: Aria e Gas, Inquinamento
- SIAT Italia
- Aprovis Energy Systems